For information this is the text of an email sent to YABeeP members:
I'm pleased to be able to announce the details for the YABeeP Hive Building Day for2012.
As explained in my 11th February email to members we are changing the format this year. For 2012 those taking part will get a fully pre-cut flat-pack hive which they will assemble on the day under guidance and tuition from YABeeP. This workshop is designed so that even if you've never picked up a screwdriver before you will be able to take part.
Peter & Ray, with a little help from your's truly, preparing for the Hive Building Day |
We are very lucky in that Peter Land, ably aided by his glamorous assistant Ray
, who were so brilliant at last year's workshop, has very kindly agreed to use his equipment, joinery expertise and time to source the materials and do most of the preparation work up-front. I am so grateful to Pete for stepping forward to take on this massive task for YABeeP - without his generous support this year's workshop would not have gone ahead.
What's on offer:
Those booking a place on the day will receive a flat-pack, self assembly, standard Warré hive which they will assemble at the YABeeP Hive Building Day – see below for dates. This will consist of:
A standard Warré hive consisting of:
- 3 x bee boxes, each with viewing window
- standard Warré quilt box,
- standard Warré roof
- sump box floor (modified Warré to facilitate cleaning, varroa inspection and emergency bottom feeding)
- standard Warré top bars
- bee box internal dimensions: width 300 x depth 300 x height 228 (height is +18mm deeper than the standard Warré)
- untreated kiln dried rough sawn pine
- 25mm thick timber for bee boxes
- 20mm thick timber for quilt, roof and sump floor
- perspex viewing window with timber covers in each bee box
- No8 2.5" screws (Screwfix Quicksilver) and PVA glue are also supplied
- animal bedding grade saw dust for quilt filling
What is not supplied - you will need to do yourself after the day
After the day and before you can introduce bees you will need to:
- supply and fit hessian sacking for the quilt box & bee proof-barrier
- paint your bee-proof barrier with a water/flour mix
- you will need to treat the outside of your hive to weatherproof it using an insect-friendly wood preserver, paint or natural treatment
- supply your own bees - this is the big challenge, but see this post for ideas
- supply a security strap or alternative wind anchorage – optional but recommended for all but the most sheltered sites (see picture below)
- fit varroa screen and/or bottom feeding tray
An instruction page showing how to do all these simple tasks will be posted on the YABeeP website before the hive building day.
When & where is it?
The hive building day is to take place on Saturday 28th April 2012 – 10:30am to 5:00 pm in Yatton.
Because the build takes place outside we will not be able to continue if the weather on that day is foul. We are therefore booking Saturday 19th May as the contingency day should we be forced to postpone – please ensure that you are able to attend both dates.
3 box standard Warré with sump box floor (click to enlarge) |
On the Hive Building Day members will be assisted to assemble their flat pack hives under guidance. Necessary tools and advice will be supplied at the workshop. Subject to having reasonable weather we anticipate completing the hive assembly on the day. You will also need to arrange transport to take your assembled hive away after the day.
How to book
Spaces on this workshop are limited and will be awarded to YABeeP members on a first-come-first-served basis. Please ensure that you have let me have your completed 2012 Membership Form before booking. Bookings will remain open for members until14th April. Any spaces unfilled at this date will be offered outside YABeeP to other natural beekeeping groups.
To order a flat-pack hive and book a place on this workshop you need to send a completed application form (currently only available to YABeeP members) plus cheque for the full £65 to the Hive Building Day coordinator (again currently only available to YABeeP members).
Note to non-members: To protect member's privacy I am unable to issue the form and send out the details of where to send your cheque until you have been accepted into membership. Please don't send cheques to me.
Note to non-members: To protect member's privacy I am unable to issue the form and send out the details of where to send your cheque until you have been accepted into membership. Please don't send cheques to me.
Cheques must be made payable to Peter Land. You will receive an email confirmation once your payment is received confirming your booking.
YABeeP promotes responsible natural beekeeping. If you are going to keep bees then you need to learn about these wonderful creatures yourself so that you can care for them properly, recognise any problems and become a responsible natural beekeeper.
You will therefore need to start learning about the following:
- principles and philosophies of Warré beekeeping.
- bees, their biology, physiology and needs
- bee diseases and other challenges they face
Hive Building Day production line |
Helpers on the day
We have already received some offers to help out on the day from members who won't be assembling hives themselves. If you would also like to join in as a helper then please email me (Robin) as I will be coordinating the assembly day itself.
That's it. Please address all enquiries about booking a flat-pack plus a space on the hive building day and any queries about the flat-packs themselves to the Hive Building Day coordinator, not me.
For enquiries about helping out on the day please contact me by email.
Robin Morris