Thursday, 20 June 2013

Why the YABeeP website is no longer updated

YABeeP members will all know that the group continues, as before, meeting the second Saturday of each month, this year we meet in Claverham Village hall - details of dates, time and venue can be found here.

However, YABeP has a wider following than just our membership with regular visitors from all over the world. This post is to update our distant followers as to the recent changes and why this website is no longer being updated.

Since its start in 2009, YABeeP has been run, more or less single handedly by Robin. Having taken early retirement he was able to devote time to it. However, last autumn Robin decided he needed to step back from running the group - partly as he felt he was becoming stale - new blood was needed, and partly to spend more time with his severely disabled wife who had become unwell. The running of YABeeP was consequently handed over to our new enthusiastic Chair, Sal Pearson - see this post for more information. A group of members met over the winter to decide how the group should go forward.

This website was developed by Robin as a resource that members could use and it has been quite successful doing so - basically it was his baby. However, it takes a lot of work and a certain set of skills  updating it. The major users of this site are worldwide rather than local members. Robin agreed to continue maintaining the site with the occasional update, though we decided that it would no longer be a priority for YABeeP, we would instead concentrate our activities on our local members - meetings, training, hive building, skep making, etc..

Unfortunately, in April 2013  Robin's wife, Sarah, sadly died. This has hit Robin very hard, having spent so much time over the past years devoted to her care. It was Sarah who encouraged Robin to start the group and she was his continuing source of support and encouragement. Robin has indicated that he needs some space to manage his grief and has consequently decided to take a sabbatical from YABeeP. We, of course wish him well.
Sarah Perry Morris 1959 - 2013

Consequently, we have decided to 'park' this website for the time being until either Robin chooses to return or someone with the necessary skills and motivation steps forward to take on the task. It will remain live as a continuing resource for members and our wider audience, but for the time being there will be no further posts or updates.

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