Saturday, 26 February 2011

Spring Pollen

Another reasonable day today and, despite the wind and damp, all 3 of the hives in my garden were flying.
hTBH in action
(click to enlarge)

The winter's far from over so they could still succumb but, at least they are busy and bringing in pollen. Not just one type either but many colours of pollen so I decided to try and seek out the sources.
Bee working pollen

Just outside on the green there are some spring crocus in full bloom and boy was it busy with bees.

Guard chickens!
What a joy to behold. Not long now and the bee season proper starts for us; though I'm sure that the queens are now frantically laying their spring brood. Let's hope we don't get another prolonged cold snap.

Our chucks are also full of spring, mounting an armed guard on one of our Warrés!Facebook smileys
© Robin Morris - YABeePFacebook smileys

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